Tech Support
Customer Service
Tech Support
1. What is CIK Cell phone Long Distance service?
ANI service is an easy way for people to save long distance bill. Customers need to register the calling numbers into the phone system first, then later each time before making long distance calls, need to dial a local phone number first. Customers can check Call detailed Record online and make prepayment online by credit card. To use CIK Cell phone long distance service, it is recommended to ask your cell phone company to disable the long distance to avoid long distance bill by mistake.
2. How do I use CIK Cell phone long distance service?
Subscribe this service online by giving telephone number;
Dial the following local number to make a call:
Toronto Access Number
- (416) 848-4945 (English)
- (416) 848-4948 (Chinese)
Montreal Access Number
- (514) 667-6724 (English)
- (514) 667-6725 (Chinese)
Ottawa Access Number
- (613) 686-1334 (English)
- (613) 686-1335 (Chinese)
Vancover Access Numbe
- (778) 786-7034 (English)
- (778) 786-7035 (Chinese)
Calgary Access number
- (403) 774-1614 (English)
Barrie Access number
- (705) 999-0134 (English)
Edmonton Access number
- (780) 643-2434 (English)
Guelph Access number
- (519) 838-2064 (English)
Halifax Access number
- (902) 482-2841(English)
Hamilton Access number
- (289) 639-2284 (English)
Kingston Access number
- (613) 777-0194 (English)
Kitchener Access number
- (519) 489-4464 (English)
London Access number
- (226) 289-2844 (English)
Guelph Access number
- (519) 838-2064 (English)
Niagara Falls Access number
- (289) 932-1794 (English)
Newmarket Access number
- (289) 366-1695 (English)
Oshawa Access number
- (289) 634-1385 (English)
Quebec City Access number
- (418) 478-1795 (English)
St Catharine's Access number
- (289) 438-2984 (English)
Victoria (BC) Access number
- (250) 412-9615 (English)
Windsor Access number
- (226) 946-1595 (English)
Winnipeg Access number
- (204) 272-5084 (English)
You will hear prompt for the balance amount you have, then ask you to enter the destination number.
For international call, please dial 011+ country code + city code + phone number;
For North America call, please dial 1 + phone number.
After you dialed the long distance number, please press # to send the number to CIK long distance system. (Please DON’T press SEND button on your cell phone, which will hold your first call to CIK access number and send the 2nd call as a new call to your cell phone company and you will be billed by the cell phone company.
3. why I am get billed again for long distance call from my cell phone company
When you are using CIK Cell phone long distance service, if you dialed the international number and press SEND, your first call to CIK access number will be hold and long distance number will be sent via your cell phone company and be billed by your cell phone company as long distance call. To avoid such mistake, please contact your cell phone company to block the long distance before using CIK cell phone long distance service. And when you are using CIK Cell phone long distance service, please DON’T press SEND button after your long distance number.
4. What are the call rates for CIK cell phone I Long Distance service?
CIK Cell phone long distance rate is the same as CIK home phone rate, please click here to check the rate.
5. What is my local access number?
6. How do I check CDR online?
Click here to login the Cell phone Long distance portal.